Handling Hospitality with CARE

Connect. Anticipate. Respect. Exceed. In her recent presentation on “Achieving Hospitality Excellence” with our management team, Shelley Dickinson identified these four actions (CARE) as a necessity in providing a high-quality hospitality experience.

  • Connect. As we’ve discussed earlier in this blog series, connecting on a personal level with your clients is the best way to form a lasting loyalty. Reading and feeding their signs while interacting with them makes you an indispensable part of their experience – and guarantees that you will be their go to for providing hospitality services to them in the future.

  • Anticipate. Anticipating client needs is an incredible way to provide an excellent hospitality experience for your client. To know what someone may need before they need it ensures that they are feeling heard. Those non-verbal cues that guests share saying “make me feel important” are addressed when you give them something they want before they even have to ask for it.

  • Respect. Showing respect for not only your clients but your staff, too, allows you to create a positive vibe that will be felt throughout your event. By showing respect for your staff, you put them in the mindset to pay it forward to your clients. If they know you respect them then they will respect the guests at your event – ensuring the best experience for everyone involved.

  • Exceed. Exceeding client expectations by going above and beyond takes loyal clients and turns them into referring clients. Clients whose needs are met come back again to work with you. Clients whose needs are exceeded bring their friends to work with you as well. Building your business through referrals is akin to getting paid interest on your savings account – it’s a reward for the job you were doing anyway.

“The road to success is paved with mistakes well handled.” As Shelley closed out her presentation, she shared this with us and as we close out this blog series, we wanted to share this with you. In hospitality, as is in life, how you handle issues often is a better reflection of who you are and the service you provide than anything else. Handling situations with CARE will ensure future success.

Do you use CARE in hospitality? Share with us how in the comments below and you may be featured in an upcoming post!

Karen Craig